Overcoming Challenges

So, what is a challenge? A challenge is something new and complex that requires great effort and determination. It's not bad to be challenged in relationships, work, and life. When we are forced to think differently, we can tap into resources we may not have known existed before. I remember someone saying you never know your strength until you have to use it. I believe in that statement wholeheartedly.

I have increased my strength through life challenges in numerous ways. For example, being a manager in the early days of my career was tough. Management is not solely about managing others, but it also means working on yourself as a manager and becoming a true leader. I recently heard someone say, "You rent the title but own the leadership" this is very true. In a world full of competition, it is easy to get caught up in titles, but I have seen many leaders remain the same because they failed to challenge themselves and others.

Challenges can be scary, but; when you overcome them, the feeling makes it worth it all. Guess what? You do not need a title to be a leader. We can all lead in so many ways, I recently attended Field Day at my eight-year-old daughters’ school, and I watched several kids teach the courses and games. From childhood to adulthood, we can be leaders. We will never grow when things are easy; we grow when faced with challenges.

We can choose to think of challenges as new opportunities or burdens. The choices we make shape our lives presently and in the future. Where we are today is based on the decisions we made in the past. We can choose to embrace each challenge and accept it as an opportunity to grow while allowing self-transformation to happen.

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Being challenged in life is inevitable; being defeated is optional. ~ Roger Crawford

As we speak, I have a challenge for you: Stop for a minute and think about the last time you were challenged. How did it feel? Did you tackle the challenge head-on? Did you complain? Did you overcome it? More than likely, you have overcome many challenges in life, but we all have room to improve how we view challenges.

Here are some great ways to tackle some of the challenges life has to offer:

·        Plan it out; how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, you should never feel pressured to do anything all at once.

·        Ask for help; if you know someone who has already faced or overcame the same or similar challenges, ask them how they succeeded. Believe me, asking for help has saved me lots of heartache and pain. Never be too pride-filled to admit that you have more learning to do (we all have room for growth).

·        Embrace failure; when you fail, that is proof that you tried! I am not the best in certain areas, but I try before asking someone for assistance. People appreciate the effort of trying before asking for help.

·        Lastly, put on your oxygen mask first. You always have to take care of yourself first. In all things, take a break when you feel overwhelmed; stop, compartmentalize, and start again. No matter what, never quit!

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Remember that challenges build resiliency, each time you are successful, the more you will trust the process and have faith in overcoming obstacles in the future. When we overcome challenges, it creates ripples of benefits for the future. I recently challenged myself and my kiddos to run a 3k Bubble Run at Circuits of America. The challenge was not just the run; it was getting up early on a Saturday, running in the sun, and doing it together as a family. It was a blast! If you are not currently being challenged, create your own; your future self will thank you later. Cheers to a great weekend and Happy Easter!

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Knowledge Bulp

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