How to Face Challenges with Purpose

Life is challenging at times. Even during times of struggle it is possible to be on purpose.
What I have discovered is there are four important areas to consider when dealing with setbacks in life. These important considerations will help you as you focus your energy on improving in any area of life.
The Importance of Purpose
To be on purpose requires you to answer the question, “Why am I here?” The success of your personal endeavors will rise and fall on the compelling why behind the what. When we choose not to answer this question out loud, we leave the door open for excuses. We become susceptible to our circumstances when the why is poorly defined, or worse, missing completely. Being purposeful is directional. Answering the why provides a direction for my life, which is important to know when facing challenges.
The Importance of Clarity
Confusion prevents movement, clarity provides a clear path. The importance of clarity has three basic ideas:

  1. To create clarity you must first define what it is you want to achieve.

  2. Then you must be clear as to how you measure what you want to achieve.

  3. Finally, you must clearly track what you wish to achieve.

These three elements increase your clarity in any area of life. (Note: I have discovered writing these down or telling someone else increases overall clarity.)
The Importance of Small Bites
The idea of small bites is about keeping what you are trying to accomplish simple. To often we try to eat the entire elephant at once. Just looking at the elephant can be enough to suck the courage out of anyone. Small bites is the notion of taking the challenge, no matter how sizable, and breaking it down into a bite size chunk. It is important to create small bites when facing large challenges.

The Importance of Personal Choice
Personal choice is the most important out of the four. The idea of personal choice begins with understanding true accountability. When I realize that accountability is something I “take”, the simple idea of personal choice begins to come into focus. “Taking accountability” for my life implies I will rise above my circumstances. It becomes a personal choice I must make to move forward. I always have a choice when I face circumstances, I can become a victim or a victor. The choice is yours and it is important you never forget.

Each of these areas of importance builds upon each other to bring you to a positive result. They are meant to be reminders of what is important as you continue your journey. Keep each of them in mind as you continue to #BeOnPurpose!

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Knowledge Bulp

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Knowledge Bulp

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