Why do we make life so complicated?

Life is tough as hell, and it will wear you down until you're on your knees and keep you there unless you do something about it. By approaching life with an complicated attitude will only give more complicated stuff to deal with.
We really love making our lives complicated, it's what we do!

We can all agree that life ain't a walk in the park, sunshine and unicorn's etc. But the attitude we have towards life will really reflect on how our lives will become. By thinking that life is shit, life will become shitty.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” -Buddha

Practice simplicity and have an simple mindset about life

For life to be complicated we have to make it complicated. Modern society is so complex that we cannot comprehend all of it's aspects. So we create drama to distract us from understanding it's complexity.
Life is what you make it, so by trying to live life with a simple mind set, it will eventually be less complicated. Simplicity is something we see more of in today's society, and it's a great thing. Because making things complex is something we know very well how to do, so to make life less complicated is a touch of genius.
To leave the phone at home when you go for a walk in the forest, to sit and eat dinner without the TV, to mediate, or to go camping for the weekend without any interaction with the outside world is a wonderful thing and it gives a lot back.


Give up the need to control

We people have a tendency to try and control everything what happens around us, but the world and the mind is not to be controlled. Giving in to the chaos is the only way we can go at it and it's beautiful. When you're surfing you don't tell the wave what to do,

no one know what is going to happen next, not in our body, not in the traffic, not on a restaurant, nowhere. All we have is choices and decisions, and being authentic is the closest thing we will ever come to control.
Life will hit you with it all it got, just to see if you're still standing, so you fall, get back up and keep on moving...
Ultimately no one will survive life so it won't help to make it more complicated. So keep your head up and smile, live each moment to the fullest and embrace the chaos.

“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become character.
Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”

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Knowledge Bulp

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Knowledge Bulp

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